I was feeling tired. I think a lot of us were. I’d just come from a three and a half hour audition and my limbs were very heavy…
Still, working with such a supportive group of people, it’s easy to feel the impulse to create.
Rehashing old duets we created, and running through the phrases that we learned… adding to our material, hoping to create a bulk of it before the Christmas break.
The end of the class involved finding movements that create a domino effect in groups of 4. It’s fun, it’s tactile, it’s how I like to work. Working with some younger than me, these moments test my ability to communicate, conveying my idea without dominating – a good skill to have for those who collaborate.
There is something precious about working through the theme of dementia while Laura has hands on experience working with those who suffer directly. There’s an amount of tactile experience we can be told about, empathize with, and inhabit creatively. The resilience of those who suffer are incredible. One woman in Laura’s class had seizure while moving in the morning. Her medication slows her heart rate, and her body couldn’t deliver enough oxygen to her limbs, so she collapsed, feeling cold and clammy. She’ll be fine, in fact, she was calling from the floor for Laura to finish the class – such humour is admirable enough in times of shock.
image via maltastar.com