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Rehearsal #3

I was feeling tired. I think a lot of us were. I’d just come from a three and a half hour audition and my limbs were very heavy… Still, working with such a supportive group of people, it’s easy to… Read More »Rehearsal #3

Review: Because We Care

photo: Eulanda Shead The partnership of Colin and Simon is a compelling one. Dissonant, aggressive, intellectual, caring and playful; the dichotomies that these two performers create forms an interesting and layered work; an experience for audiences to step into, reflect… Read More »Review: Because We Care

Class with Rob McNeill

Where: Greenwich Dance Academy When: 22nd-26th August 2011 Teacher: Rob McNeill Alongside being a core member of Punchdrunk for the last 7 years, Rob has performed in a range of settings. Devising and performing work for The National Theatre, Young… Read More »Class with Rob McNeill