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Review: EDge

photo: Ivar Sviestins London Contemporary Dance School’s postgraduate company, EDge, offered a rather volatile night of dance watching. These little sticks of dynamite (aka dancers) can move with precision and speed, showcasing works by Sasha Waltz, James Wilton, Matthias Sperling,… Read More »Review: EDge

Just a Little Mention…

Two of my reviews have been mentioned (via Public Reviews) for The Londonist! Have a look here: Dance Review: Spring Loaded @ The Place x

Review: You May!

photo: Ludovic des Cognets Observing Zoi Dimitriou’s work You May! seemed like a surreal dream. Haunting and evocative, taunting the dichotomies of possibility and impossibility, Dimitriou uses dance, theatre, photography, sound, and video to create a multidisciplinary piece which asks… Read More »Review: You May!

Review: Because We Care

photo: Eulanda Shead The partnership of Colin and Simon is a compelling one. Dissonant, aggressive, intellectual, caring and playful; the dichotomies that these two performers create forms an interesting and layered work; an experience for audiences to step into, reflect… Read More »Review: Because We Care