I have some news…
I’m moving back to Australia.
The decision has been fast, the actions now faster. Two weeks ago I had a choice, a week ago I made it, three days ago I booked a flight. There’s a lot to organise, a lot to decide, and a lot to sort out in the next two weeks and I’m trying to embrace the experience and give into the flood of activity. Already things have pulled through for me that I hadn’t expected and I’m both fascinated and delighted by the turn of events.
And, above all, this feels like the right thing to do.
2013 is turning out to be the year of travel. As things plot at the moment, it’s unlikely I’ll be stationary for more than two months before August. This makes me both nervous and exhilarated. There’s so much I’ve been craving and most of it requires movement. Dancers are moving creatures at heart, most creative when life’s energy is able to course through them. They are able to give and receive with sufficient input and output. Being stationary too long requires internal development: enough to surface and blossom into something enriching and challenging in life. Whilst motionless, that’s my ideal, but this movement will hopefully kick-start me to my next adventure.
The countdown begins…